Create lone worker’s schedule templates and follow specific scheduling during the whole lone worker’s monitoring activities. Monitor your lone workers and manage your workflow in an efficient way, automating all internal work process.
Each schedule includes the checkpoints along with the time interval in which the scan must occur and the exact task-assignment to be taken. The checkpoints and all the necessary actions-assignments have been assigned via the web application by the people who manage the lone workers and assign tasks to them.
MyLoneWorkers is a pioneering system which incorporates 3 types of checkpoints. Scan NFC tags, QR codes or Beacons placed on buildings, territories etc. and send immediate alerts and reports.
When a checkpoint is scanned and the smartphone is connected to the Internet, an event is sent immediately to the monitoring center via the cloud server. The same occurs in every incident sent to the cloud server (e.g. test, SOS, etc) and the monitoring center is informed in real-time for any occurring incident.
QR Codes
Place QR-code checkpoints at specific positions on assets and buildings. Lone workers will scan QR-code tag via MyLoneWorkers mobile app and an immediate alert will be sent.
NFC tags
Just launch MyLoneWorkers app and place your smartphone over the NFC tag. NFC is a perfect source of convenience and an extra arm in daily tasks-assignments accomplishment and management.
Beacons are a smart way to transmit data over a short distance absolutely wirelessly. MyLoneWorkers is the only system worldwide incorporating advanced beacon technology!
Monitor incidents in real-time by gathering multimedia data. MyLoneWorkers enables communication using all available stuff:
Press to record voice from microphone
Take an instant photo
Write a text message
Assign multimedia event to a checkpoint
Finally, add your own identity and extinguish any ambiguity by moving your finger on the screen and making your personal signature!
When an incident occurs, the lone worker can select Incident button to choose any incident, attach a MME or assign a point and send to the monitoring center or clients via email. It is greatly important that the incidents are sent in real-time and a notification appears that an event has been sent to the cloud server.
Through MyLoneWorkers system you have the ability to create multiple reports (scanned, missed check points / incidents / task-assignment duration) using advanced filtering and export abilities (PDF, excel). Reports are executed in real-time and can be conducted for different time intervals and specific Lone Workers.
Detailed reporting is a vital part of the system, allowing better overall management of Lone Worker tasks and schedules, allocating business resources and controlling budget in an efficient way. Instant, daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports help businesses evaluate Lone Workers productivity, rearrange schedules and tasks, cut down time consuming processes and increase efficiency.
MyLoneWorkers mobile app is linked to a secure cloud based monitoring hub which locates your lone worker’s position accurately through GPS, Wi-Fi, GSM Network in real time.
Ensure your lone worker's physical condition and safety by using Lone Worker Down alert! Lone Workers that need to perform tasks-assignments by themselves, without any close or direct supervision, don't have to worry anymore!
Using Lone Worker Down alert, the Monitoring Center can be alerted of any urgent situation, even if the lone workers won't have the chance, the capability and/or the time to send out a "Lone Worker Down" event!
What does it mean?
In case your Lone Worker falls or slips, an immediate man down alert is sent to the Alarm Monitoring Center informing for a crucial Man Down situation. The alert is fully automated as the system detects a Man Down situation and no button press is required so as to make it work!
When a lone worker presses the Test button, a test event including timestamp and position coordinates is sent to the cloud server to ensure that everything regarding the patrol tour is ok.
In case the lone worker comes up with an urgent situation, then he can press immediately the SOS button and send an instant notification and alarm to the monitoring center that an immediate action has to be taken accordingly. In addition, an SMS message informing about the alert can be sent up to 3 numbers.
MyLoneWorkers incorporates all the necessary monitoring and management features of an innovative cloud web and mobile application. Moreover, it stands above competition offering maximum communication efficiency through various available channels. Lone Workers can not only send photos, text messages and voice messages to the Monitoring Center, but they can also send real-time push-to-talk messages to each other.
MyLoneWorkers system assists better cooperation among Lone Workers during their tasks’ implementation as well as extra an extra way to communicate with the managing staff. It provides a secure group interaction over IP, reducing communication costs and improving allocation of available business resources.
In most cases, Lone Worker systems allow Lone Workers to send text or voice messages to the monitoring center and inform about events and alerts.
MyLoneWorkers adds more value to this feature by offering two way communication capability. The account manager of the system can now send also a text message to the Lone Worker and reply to him or inform him about an upcoming danger (e.g. low temperatures, snow or rain prediction, problems or dangerous situations in near locations).
Two way communication is a super chance to reduce communication costs and time and face alarm situations and problems up to the point.
Depending on the business market (e.g. Facilities maintenance, transportation, engineering, remote areas control etc.), Lone Workers follow specific schedules in most cases. To make it clear, when a Lone Worker gets on a remote site so as to execute maintenance work, MyLoneWorkers records check-in time. In accordance, the checkout-time is also recorded in the system and the Monitoring Center get an immediate alert of each event.
Automatic record of check in and check out in real-time enhances real-time protection and offers best possible tracking of working hours and resources management.
Terracom has as main objective the production of innovative technology products and the provision of integrated IT and communications solutions.
The No1 Workforce & Safety Management Systems Vendor
Terracom S.A
Thesi Ntousia,
Bafra, Ioannina
ZIP: 45500, Greece