
Company logo on reports and Workers Photo!


You asked for it and we listened!

 Subscribers of GOLD edition plans can now upload their own company logo on the system, that is included on the exported reports!

 In addition, you can now upload your workers photo on the system, that will be visible on each Worker settings page as well as on Trail Workers, allowing you to visualise and thus quickly identify them!

Excited? Check the instructions below and get started asap!

Company Logo Upload

 Navigate to Company --> Company Info

 Press the Edit link on the "Company Logo" section

 Press on the + icon, select the target file from your pc and press on the Upload link

*Note: Only .png, .jpg file extention is supported - max size 512 KB.

 Press on Save link to save the changes, or Cancel link to dismiss them

You can remove the logo anytime, simply by pressing on the Delete link on "Company Logo" section!

Worker Photo Upload

 Navigate to Company --> Workers 

 Select the target Worker and press the Edit link available on the top panel

 Press the +link on the "Worker Picture" section, to select and upload the file of your choice

*Note: Only .png, .jpg file extention is supported - max size 512 KB.

 Press on Save button to save the changes, or Back button to dismiss them

You can remove the picture anytime, simply by pressing on the Reset link on "Worker Picture" section!

For any question or inquiry, contact our sales team!

About MyLoneWorkers

MyLoneWorkers innovative system reduces the risks and guarantees that every lone worker returns home safely after carrying out their tasks at work which is one of the most basic responsibilities for an employer. It is a real time lone worker monitoring system which skyrockets the efficiency of lone workers’ safety and the completion of their tasks offering them the ability to increase their productivity via technology.


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Terracom has as main objective the production of innovative technology products and the provision of integrated IT and communications solutions.

The No1 Workforce & Safety Management Systems Vendor


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Terracom S.A
Thesi Ntousia,
Bafra, Ioannina
ZIP: 45500, Greece



Great Place To Work

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