
New Checkpoint Last Scan Date Report added!

In MyLoneWorkers, we always work to enable you manage your workers and their tasks in a productive way, with less worktime and much more automation and efficiency!

Towards this direction one more report is now available on the web application, in order to help you have a better overview of your checkpoints: Checkpoint Last Scan Date Report!

It is sometimes the case that a checkpoint needs your attention (e.g. a QR-Code is removed or a beacon needs battery replacement): at the same time, checking all your checkpoints and ensuring everything is in place can be a challenge and definitely may take-up a while;

this is why we've decided to add the Checkpoint Last Scan Date Report, showing details of the last time a checkpoint was scanned by one of your Workers!

This way you can quickly and easily identify a problematic checkpoint and take action!

We hope you like this latest addition to MyLoneWorkers system; Stay tuned for more to come!

For more information feel free to contact our team!

Kind regards,

MyLoneWorkers team

About MyLoneWorkers

MyLoneWorkers innovative system reduces the risks and guarantees that every lone worker returns home safely after carrying out their tasks at work which is one of the most basic responsibilities for an employer. It is a real time lone worker monitoring system which skyrockets the efficiency of lone workers’ safety and the completion of their tasks offering them the ability to increase their productivity via technology.


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