
Introducing Trail Workers feature!


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Trail Workers is one of the many amazing features the newest MyLoneWorkers GOLD version includes!

This new addition makes it easier for the Managers to track the route performed: the system automatically draws detailed graphics on the map which indicate the path it was followed. The results can appear either on a static form, or as an animation!

Getting Started

To trace your Workers' trail on the map, you first need to enable the Tracking option on their settings; to do that, please follow the steps mentioned below:

Login to MyLoneWorkers Web Application

Navigate to Company>>Workers, select the Worker of your interest and press "Edit"

Under the "Tracking" section on the new screen that will appear, enable the Tracking feature by checking the "Enabled" checkbox and adjust the "Check Interval" (i.e. Time interval between position updates) as per your preference

Tip: The smallest the Time Interval, the more periodically the system will get position updates and thus the results will be more accurate!

Setting up the system

Once the Tracking settings are enabled:

Navigate to Company>>Trail Workers

Under "Mode Selection", you have the option to view your Workers' completed routes by selecting "Completed Routes", or a live view of their current ones with "Live View"

Completed Routes

Under "Trail Workers Filters" select the Worker of your interest

Define a date using the filters "From" and "To"

Select the "Route" of your interest

Press "Show"

Under "Map Options", you can either select the "Static" or the "Animation" option for the Trail depiction; the latter one depicts the Trail in an animated way – to start the animation, adjust the speed to your preference and press on "Start Animation"

Select the map layer you prefer and Enable/Disable the "Show Lines" option according to your preference

Under "Extra Options", you have the option to export a KML file by pressing on "Get KML"

Live View

Under "Trail Workers Filters" select the Worker of your interest (if the "Tracking" option on the Worker's settings and the Location settings on the Worker's device are enabled, the system will automatically zoom-in to the last recorded location and update accordingly every time a new location is sent)

Select the map layer you prefer and Enable/Disable the "Show Lines" and "Follow Last Position" options according to your preferences

Note: Trail Workers feature is available on GOLD version - for any question or inquiry, contact our sales team!

Σχετικά με εμάς!

Η Terracom είναι μια καινοτόμος εταιρεία πληροφορικής με έδρα την πόλη των Ιωαννίνων στη Βορειοδυτική Ελλάδα η οποία παρέχει υπηρεσίες μηχανοργάνωσης και ανάπτυξης συστημάτων ασφαλείας.

We IT your business!


Terracom A.E.
Σμύρνης (Θέση Ντούσια),
Μπάφρα, Ιωάννινα,
TK: 45500 Ελλάδα



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